Tacoma Water Quality

In the city of Tacoma, residents and visitors can count on a high-quality water supply. But, have you ever stopped to think about the behind-the-scenes effort that goes into delivering clean, safe, and reliable water right to your tap? Tacoma water quality is an essential aspect of day-to-day life, and its assurance is the responsibility of Tacoma Public Utilities and various other dedicated departments. We’ll take a look at what makes Tacoma’s water quality so reliable, including the source of the water, the testing process, and some tips to ensure you’re getting the best taste out of your tap water (1).

The Source of Tacoma’s Water

The primary source of Tacoma’s drinking water comes from the Green River Watershed. The upper area of the watershed has been closed to all public access since 1911, while the lower area is strictly monitored and only allows limited recreational use. This cautious approach greatly limits opportunities for contamination and helps ensure the water’s safety (2).

Keeping Tacoma’s Water Safe

Tacoma Water, a division of Tacoma Public Utilities, conducts more than 35,000 tests a year to ensure the water meets or surpasses all state and federal drinking water requirements. From the Green River source to your faucet, the water is continually tracked, tested, and treated. Tacoma Water also utilizes an innovative biological filtration system, which is one of just a few in the United States and provides an additional layer of purification.

Biological filtration is a process in which naturally occurring microorganisms work to break down and consume any potential contaminants. This new system, launched in 2015, improves the taste and odour of the water, helps Tacoma Water meet more strict federal regulations and provides an extra level of safety by removing additional particles from the water that standard treatment methods may miss (2).

Tips to Improve Your Drinking Water

While you can trust the cleanliness and safety of your Tacoma water, things like plumbing and fixtures can introduce new factors that might influence the taste of your tap water. Here are some tips to get the best taste out of your water:

  1. Freshness: Even clean water can taste odd if it’s been stagnating in your plumbing overnight. If your tap hasn’t been used in several hours, let it run for 30 seconds to a minute before using the water.

  2. Temperature: Cold water often tastes better. Try refrigerating your tap water before drinking.

  3. Aeration: Swirling water in a glass or pouring it from a height can add air and improve taste.

  4. Filtering: While Tacoma water is completely safe to drink directly from the tap, using a water filter jug can reduce any lingering taste of chlorine or other harmless solids present in the water.

  5. Cleansing Appliances: Be sure to regularly clean appliances that use water, such as coffee makers and refrigerator icemakers. These appliances can impact water quality if not properly maintained (3).

In conclusion, Tacoma’s water quality is a testament to the city’s unwavering commitment to public safety and health. The rigorous process of protecting, testing and treating the water before it reaches your tap ensures that you and your family can trust the water you consume is of the highest quality.

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Tacoma Water Conservation

Water is the elixir of life. Irrespective of our location, it’s an undeniable fact that we all need water to live. Thus, with the increasing global need for water, conservation has become a topic of significant importance. The policies and measures adopted by different cities to save this invaluable resource depict their level of commitment to sustainable living. And when it comes to implementing sustainable water strategies, one city that stands out is Tacoma, located in the U.S. state of Washington. Tacoma Public Utilities [^1^] is committed to providing high-quality water efficiently while keeping conservation at the core of the services. This article delves into the commitment and strategies employed by the city for Tacoma Water Conservation.

Why is Water Conservation Important?

Before proceeding further, let us understand the significance of water conservation. Beyond the obvious reason of ensuring there is enough water for all to use, conserving water reduces the amount of energy required to treat and deliver it to households or institutions. Thus, less energy consumption translates to lower carbon emissions, contributing to overall environmental conservation. Additionally, water conservation eases the pressure on wastewater treatment facilities, which enhances their efficiency and longevity.

Tacoma Public Utilities’ Conservation Programs

Tacoma Public Utilities, the body that oversees water supply, is actively engaged in running various programs to promote water conservation. It provides rebates and incentives for people to opt for water-efficient appliances and irrigation methods. The organization offers free water-saving kits, including high-efficiency showerheads and garden hose nozzles, which can save a significant amount of water annually [^2^].

They also run a comprehensive education program aimed at promoting water-saving habits among Tacoma residents. Through workshops, webinars, and educational materials, residents can learn tips and tricks to save water in their daily lives. Tacoma Public Utilities also provides technical assistance and resources centered on water-efficient landscaping, such as rain gardens and sustainable garden design suggestions.

Innovative Water Conservation Strategies

One of the notable innovative strategies Tacoma has adopted is the use of advanced water meters, which allow customers to monitor their water usage effectively. This not only aids in early leak detection but also encourages mindful use of water. Customers can track their water usage online, thereby allowing them to understand better their consumption patterns and manage their usage efficiently [^3^].

Tips for Tacoma Water Conservation

Little steps contribute significantly to the broader goal of Tacoma water conservation. Here are few tips:

  • Using a broom instead of a hose to clean driveways or sidewalks
  • Installing high-efficiency toilets and showerheads
  • Regularly checking and repairing household leaks
  • Watering plants during the early morning or late evening when it is cooler
  • Using dishwasher and washing machines only when loaded fully


Tacoma water conservation is an excellent example of how a combination of institutional effort and resident participation can lead to significant achievements in sustainable living. A drop saved is a drop earned. By incorporating water conservation strategies into our routines, we are not only securing our present but also saving for future generations. The city’s commitment to water conservation and its residents’ active participation in the cause is indeed a commendable feat in the sustainability domain.

[^1^]: Tacoma Public Utilities Home – Tacoma Public Utilities

[^2^]: Conserving Water – Tacoma Public Utilities

[^3^]: Overview Of The Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) Project – Tacoma Public Utilities

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Tacoma Public Utilities Water: A Resource of Excellence

Tacoma Public Utilities (TPU) is a key player in Tacoma’s city infrastructure, supplying the region with a range of essential services from electric power to water supplies. In particular, TPU’s water operations never cease to impress with its robust processes, safety protocols, and seemless delivery. Today, we delve into what makes Tacoma Public Utilities Water stand out.

Our Lifeline

Serving over 300,000 citizens in Tacoma and surrounding areas, TPU is known to oversee one of the finest water sources in the United States [^1^]. With a focus on sustainability, exceptional customer service, and optimal water quality, TPU is regarded as a model utility operator, leaving no stone unturned in its mission to provide clean and safe water to Tacoma’s residents.

The utility gets its supply from the pristine Green River Watershed, which boasts a capacity of over 43 billion gallons, thus guaranteeing a reliable source of high-quality drinking water that can endure prolonged periods of dry weather [^1^].

Quality Control

TPU takes water quality concerns seriously and operates under the Clean Water Act and Safe Drinking Water Act to maintain the purity of Tacoma’s drinking water[^2^]. Taking up to 40,000 tests a year, they consistently ensure water meets stringent federal and state water quality standards.

An impressive feat of TPU’s infrastructure is its Headworks Filtration Facility, which filters all water from the Green River Watershed. This large-scale operation uses state-of-the-art technology to filter the water, ensuring its safety and taste. Subsequently, every effort is taken to maintain the integrity of the water supply during transit, from administering precisely calculated dosages of sodium hypochlorite to destroy harmful bacteria, to implementing extensive cross-connection control measures [^3^].

Customer Service and Accessibility

One of TPU’s notable achievements is its commitment to excellent customer service and accessibility. The utility has a dedicated residential water services team that efficiently handle inquiries, emergencies, and requests – everything from leak repairs and meter readings, to turning on or off water services.

TPU also offers flexible payment options, assistance programs for those who need help to pay their utility bill, and an online portal where customers can view their bills, track their consumption, and make online payments. Additionally, they constantly provide valuable resources on water conservation techniques, enabling residents to use water more efficiently and effectively.

Bridge Building

Recognizing the essential role that commercial and industrial sectors play in the local economy, TPU has developed a comprehensive water services strategy targeted at these segments. It offers tailored services such as high-flow fire protection, cooking and cleaning, manufacturing, and irrigation, ensuring they have the water quantity and quality they need to operate effectively.

A Toast to the Future

TPU’s commitment to providing superior water services to Tacoma’s residents and businesses remains unwavering. The company strives to advance with technology seamlessly, investing in meter upgrades that serve more accurate readings, leak detection systems to prevent water waste, and newer, greener treatment techniques.

Tacoma Public Utilities Water remains committed to serving the evolving needs of its diverse Tacoma community. As it marches on, it remains a tribute to the collective efforts of the hardworking individuals behind the scenes, who, day in and day out, ensure its citizens receive the world-class water service they rightly deserve.

[^1^]: TPU water source
[^2^]: United States Environmental Protection Agency. (2021). Water Topics.
[^3^]: City of Tacoma Water Quality Report

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Tacoma Water Conservation: Our Collective Responsibility

Water is our most precious resource. As the population grows and climate patterns shift, the importance of water conservation becomes far more crucial. In Tacoma, we pride ourselves on our efforts towards water conservation – a practice made possible by the collaboration of residents, businesses, and Tacoma Public Utilities. Today, let’s delve into the details of Tacoma’s water conservation, including why it’s necessary, what measures are being enacted, and how everyone can do their part.

Why Water Conservation is Crucial in Tacoma

Tacoma, a bustling city located on Washington State’s Puget Sound, is no stranger to the call for water conservation. According to the Tacoma Public Utilities Water, the city’s water supply predominantly comes from the Green River watershed, which has sometimes been deemed threatened by the impacts of climate change and increased demand[^1^].

Water conservation is a proactive and sensible measure to ensure an adequate and resilient water supply. It helps in reducing the stress on our water systems, supports disaster preparedness during droughts, reduces the expenditure on water infrastructure, and contributes to preserving the health of critical habitats.

Tacoma’s Water Conservation Measures

To address these issues, Tacoma Water has implemented numerous water conservation programs, services, and initiatives aimed at both decreasing overall water usage and promoting efficient water use.

For starters, Tacoma Water offers free water-saving kits for its customers, designed to lower domestic water usage and save on utility bills[^2^]. Each kit includes high-efficiency showerheads, faucet aerators, and toilet leak detection tablets.

Tacoma Water also conducts a rebate program that promotes the purchase and installation of water-saving appliances and fixtures. They offer rebates for commercial and residential customers purchasing EPA WaterSense-labeled products, such as toilets and irrigation controllers.

Further, Tacoma Water has implemented a water-efficient gardening program called EnviroHouse. This program offers free, year-round workshops on landscaping and gardening practices that conserve water, reduce the need for fertilizers and pesticides, and support local ecology.

How Tacoma Residents can Contribute

As important as these measures are, resident participation is a crucial component of Tacoma’s water conservation plan. Citizensare encouraged to adopt best practices in their daily lives to help conserve water:

  1. Fixing Leaks: The smallest drip from a worn-out washer can waste 20 gallons of water per day, whereas larger leaks can waste hundreds of gallons[^3^]. Regularly checking for, and promptly fixing leaks, plays a significant role in water conservation.

  2. Efficient Irrigation: Over-watering lawns and gardens is a common water wastage. Watering in the early morning or late evening, using drip irrigation systems, and watering less during cooler months can substantially reduce this wastage.

  3. Wiser Appliance Use: Simple steps like waiting for a full load before running your dishwasher or your washing machine, using water-efficient appliances, and cutting down on shower times can make a big difference.

  4. Raising Awareness: Last but not least, raising awareness about the importance and the need for water conservation is a powerful tool in building a water-wise community.


Tacoma water conservation is a collective responsibility. Every drop counts. While Tacoma public utilities work towards comprehensive measures, residents too can make a significant difference with small changes to everyday habits. It ensures not only a sustainable water supply for us but also for generations to come.

So take up the mantle, participate in Tacoma’s water conservation programs, and do your bit. Because every effort, big or small, contributes to preserving one of our planet’s most essential resources.

[^1^]: Source 1
[^2^]: Source 2
[^3^]: Source 3

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Tacoma Water Conservation

Water is a vital resource that everyone depends on for survival. It’s a crucial factor not only for drinking and cooking but also for the agricultural, manufacturing, and electricity sectors. But with the growing world population and increasing water consumption, there’s been a significant strain on global water supplies. Among the cities taking steps to address this issue is Tacoma, Washington. In this article, we’ll dive into Tacoma Water’s conservation efforts and see why every drop matters.

The Importance of Water Conservation

Water conservation refers to the practice of using water sustainively. It aims to balance the need for water with the requirement to sustain water resources for the future. In rapidly growing cities like Tacoma, conserving water is critically important.

Besides sustaining an essential life-supporting resource, water conservation benefits communities in many ways:

  • Preventing water shortages: As we know, water isn’t an unlimited resource. By conserving water, we can prevent shortages and ensure a continuous water supply even in times of drought1.

  • Saving money: Pays less for water and energy costs. It also keeps down costs the community has to spend on water treatment and distribution.

  • Preserving water quality: When we lessen water usage, we reduce water pollution and protect freshwater ecosystems.

Tacoma’s Water Conservation Programs

Tacoma Water has done an impressive job addressing water conservation. The agency has planned and implemented various programs and policies to encourage water-saving measures in the community2.

  • Free Indoor Water Kits: Tacoma Water provides free indoor water-saving kits to its customers. Each kit includes an efficient showerhead, kitchen and bathroom faucet aerators, toilet leak detection tablets, and handy water conservation tips.

  • Rebate Programs: Tacoma Water offers rebates to customers who install water-saving appliances and fixtures, such as high-efficiency toilets, water-saving washing machines, and irrigation controllers.

  • School Education Programs: The utility collaborates with Tacoma schools to educate students about the importance of water conservation. It also provides teachers with resources to integrate water conservation into their curriculum.

  • Water-Smart Landscaping: Tacoma Water encourages water-efficient landscaping by providing Water-Wise Plants guides, irrigation guides, and practical tips on minimizing water use in the garden.

How Tacoma Residents Can Contribute

Tacoma Water’s efforts can’t succeed without the active participation of Tacoma residents. Here are some practical tips to help citizens play their part:

  • Replace old appliances and fixtures with water-efficient alternatives. Don’t forget to take advantage of Tacoma Water’s rebate programs for these.

  • Perform regular checks for leaks and fix them as soon as possible. Sometimes, a leaking faucet or toilet can lead to significant water wastage.

  • Practice frugal water use. Shorten showers, turn off the faucet while brushing teeth, wash full loads of laundry, and water plants early in the morning or late in evening to minimize evaporation.

  • Invest in a rain barrel. Collecting and utilizing rainwater can save plenty of tap water, especially during the rainy Tacoma winters.


The forces threatening our water resources won’t disappear overnight. It’s a long-term challenge that we must continuously address. While Tacoma Water has taken strong action to save water, the goal of sustainable water usage still heavily depends on each individual’s commitment to conservation. Remember, every drop counts!

Whether it’s upgrading your appliances or changing everyday habits, your efforts can make a big difference. As part of the Tacoma community, we must work hand in hand to save water and ensure one of life’s essential elements is there for future generations.

For more information about water conservation and how you can save water, visit Tacoma Water’s website today.

1 U.S. Geological Survey

2 Tacoma Water Conservation Programs

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Tacoma Water Conservation

Water is an essential resource that we all need to survive and thrive. However, with the escalating effects of climate change and urban expansion, water conservation has become a top priority for many cities around the world, including Tacoma, Washington.

Tacoma Water, a department of Tacoma Public Utilities, has been serving the residents of the city and some neighboring areas for more than a century. With a firm commitment to providing high-quality and safe drinking water, the utility has not only put a comprehensive strategy in place for effective water management but also a number of programs for encouraging water conservation among its customers. This article will explore water conservation efforts in Tacoma, and why it’s important for residents to be a part of the solution.

Water Demand in Tacoma

Tacoma Water serves approximately 300,000 people within the city and parts of King and Pierce counties. The utility sources water from the Green River watershed, a highly protected surface water source, and from local groundwater wells.

The demand for water in Tacoma is subject to the fluctuations of the weather, specifically the frequency of rain and heat waves. During dry and hot summer months, water demand often spikes due to increased water usage for drinking, gardening and other activities.

Importance of Water Conservation in Tacoma

The city of Tacoma, like many other regions around the world, recognizes the importance of conserving water for future generations. Conservation is not just about saving water today, but it also involves planning for the future. It helps ensure that sufficient water is available for the increasing population, supports the health of aquatic habitats, and maintains water supplies during periods of drought and climate change.

Tacoma’s Water Conservation Efforts

Tacoma Water has put in place a myriad of strategies and programs to encourage water conservation, reduce waste, and educate the community about the importance of using this precious resource in a responsible manner. They offer a variety of rebates for efficient appliances, toilets, and irrigation systems, as well as providing free water-saving kits.

Among their most effective programs is the Smart Irrigation Program, which encourages residents to use automated “smart” irrigation controllers that adjust watering based on real-time weather conditions.

Tacoma Water also advocates for Water Efficient Gardens, promoting the use of native plants and offering resources to help homeowners design, install and maintain their own water-wise gardens.

Moreover, Tacoma Water conducts annual water audits where they evaluate customers’ water use, identify inefficiencies, and suggest corrective measures to save water. They’ve also developed resources for detecting leaks and tips on daily water-saving techniques that can help reduce water usage.

Every Drop Counts

Every resident of Tacoma has a role to play in water conservation. Small changes in daily habits can add up to significant water savings. For example, turning off the tap while brushing or shaving can save up to 10 gallons of water per day. Similarly, running washing machines and dishwashers only when they are full can save up to 1,000 gallons of water each month.

Similarly, in your yard, using a broom instead of a hose to clean driveways and sidewalks can save 80 gallons of water every time, and watering plants in the early morning or late evening can reduce evaporation.


Water conservation is a shared responsibility. As a Tacoma resident, you have numerous resources and programs at your disposal to help conserve water. Tacoma Water is at the frontline of ensuring that the city’s water resources are protected and used responsibly to serve current and future generations.

Next time you open your tap, remember the power is in your hands to make a difference. Together, we can ensure Tacoma’s water sustainability.

Tacoma Public Utilities
Smart Irrigation Program
Water Efficient Gardens

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Tacoma Public Utilities Water: Serving the Community With Excellence

For any community to thrive and prosper, easy access to clean, safe, and reliable water is absolutely paramount. If you reside in or run a business in Tacoma, Washington, you can consider yourself lucky for one big reason: Tacoma Public Utilities Water. In this article, we aim to highlight what makes this utility department special, and how their commitment to quality and service excellence contributes to the well-being of the Tacoma community.

Tacoma Public Utilities Water is the primary provider of fresh, clean drinking water to the homes, offices, and industries in the vibrant city of Tacoma and nearby areas^[1^]. The department diligently ensures an uninterrupted and sustainable water supply to more than 300,000 people in its service area, while constantly prioritizing quality and conservation.

Tap into Quality

Quality assurance is the beating heart of Tacoma Public Utilities Water. The water supply, sourced predominantly from the pristine Green River Watershed and secondarily from a series of groundwater wells, is subjected to rigorous treatment processes to ensure it meets or exceeds all federal and state water quality standards^[2^].

Tacoma Public Utilities Water works round the clock to monitor water quality. From raw water testing at the source to regular sampling from various points across the distribution system, stringent checks and balances are put in place. Consequently, Tacoma’s tap water often stands out as being even cleaner and safer than many brands of bottled water.

Flow of Services

Tacoma Public Utilities Water offers a range of services to meet the unique needs of various customer segments. For residential customers, it provides a reliable supply of household water, plus pressure and leak detection services, meter reading and repairs, and customer service assistance for billing and account inquiries.

Commercial and industrial customers also receive a consistent water supply, along with specialized services. These include backflow prevention, cross-connection control, and provision for higher water volumes or pressures. The utility also offers support for annual inspections and technical advice regarding water-related aspects of building design and operation.

Price and Value

One of the significant strengths of Tacoma Public Utilities Water is its commitment to maintaining affordable water rates. While ensuring top-notch service, the utility department continually implements strategies to optimize operational efficiency and manage costs. It also conducts regular studies to ensure water rates are equitable and reflect the true cost of providing service.

This customer-oriented strategy helps keep water affordable for all Tacoma residents, making a significant contribution to the region’s socio-economic health. Importantly, the pricing structure encourages water conservation, promoting responsible usage without sacrificing customer satisfaction.

Conservation is Key

Tacoma Public Utilities Water’s commitment to sustainability is illustrated in its robust water conservation initiatives. Through a combination of public education programs, rebate schemes, and assistance for using water more efficiently, the utility actively advocates for water-wise lifestyles and business practices.

Additionally, their painstaking management of the Green River Watershed and Howard Hanson Dam reflect their dedication towards preserving Tacoma’s precious water resources. These comprehensive efforts ensure a reliable supply of high-quality water for current needs, while also safeguarding the water source for future generations.

Toward a Brighter, Quenched Future

As a cornerstone of Tacoma’s community infrastructure, Tacoma Public Utilities Water is more than a mere supplier of water resources—it’s a neighbor dedicated to looking out for the community’s well-being and future.

With a tireless commitment to service excellence and sustainability, Tacoma Public Utilities Water truly embodies what it means to be a public utility in the modern world. So the next time you turn on your faucet and fresh, clean water flows out, remember the efforts of Tacoma Public Utilities Water. It’s a testament to a community that puts the quality of life of its people first.

Remember, water is life. The manner in which we manage our water resources today will shape the future of our community for generations to come. With Tacoma Public Utilities Water, that future looks bright indeed.


^[1^]: Tacoma Public Utilities website
^[2^]: City of Tacoma’s Annual Water Quality Report
^[3^]: Tacoma Water Conservation Plan

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Tacoma Water Conservation: An Imperative Approach to Sustainable Living

As a resident of the scenic city of Tacoma, have you ever wondered where all that water comes from that you use every day? Or what you can do to contribute to a more sustainable and responsible use of it? Let’s delve into the intricacies of Tacoma water conservation and understand why it holds supreme importance.

Tacoma Public Utilities provides us with high-quality water sourced primarily from the Green River watershed1. The utility services more than 300,000 customers in Tacoma and surrounding areas. However, with climate change, increasing population, and expanding industry, water conservation in Tacoma has taken center stage now more than ever.

Why is Water Conservation Important?

At its basic level, water conservation is about preserving our limited water resources for generations to come. In Tacoma, there are major impacts of not conserving water on both the cost of water services and local habitats.

Increased demand for water leads to more costs for the public utilities – costs that are often passed on to consumers. Infrastructure such as larger pipes and more treatment facilities need to be budgeted when consumption rises. With conservation, existing utilities can service more people without needing expensive upgrades2.

Ecologically, more use of water from the Green River watershed affects the habitats of wildlife including the endangered salmon. The Howard Hanson dam and other control structures ensure that ample water remains in the watershed. Responsible use of water by Tacoma residents can help maintain these habitats and ensure the survival of these species.

Effective Water Conservation Practices

At Home

There are many simple practices that can be adopted at home to contribute to water conservation. These include:

  1. Fixing Leaks: Leaky faucets and pipes can waste massive amounts of water over time. By promptly fixing these leaks, you can save both water and money.
  2. Efficient Washing: Use a dishwasher or washing machine only when fully loaded. Manually washing dishes? Don’t leave the tap running between rinses.
  3. Smart Showers: Limit your shower time, and install a low-flow showerhead to reduce water consumption.
  4. Harvest Rain: Use a rain barrel to capture rainwater from the roof, which can then be utilized to water plants or wash cars.

At the Community Level

As a city, Tacoma has implemented several strategies and initiatives to promote water conservation.

  1. Rebates and Incentives: Tacoma Public Utilities offers rebates and incentives for installing water-efficient appliances and fixtures at home3.
  2. Education and Information: The city provides free workshops, educational materials, and conservation kits to its residents to help them understand and practice water conservation.
  3. Policies and Regulations: Tacoma has strict rules regarding water-wasting activities like excessive irrigation or incorrect watering schedules.

What does the Future Hold?

With ongoing climate change, droughts and heatwaves are predicted to increase in frequency, thus threatening our water supply. Tacoma Public Utilities is thus ramping its efforts to promote conservation and formulate strategies for sustainable water management. Continued consumer awareness and cooperation are pivotal in these efforts.

In conclusion, water conservation in Tacoma is not only a necessity for our survival but also our responsibility towards the environment. Every drop saved today is a step towards a more sustainable future. Let’s each make a pledge to adopt water conservation tips and practices and pave the way towards a greener and more sustainable Tacoma.


  1. Water Source – Green River Watershed” – Tacoma Public Utilities
  2. Water Conservation” – Tacoma Public Utilities
  3. Ways to Save – Rebates” – Tacoma Public Utilities
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Tacoma Water Conservation

Water is one of the most crucial resources on earth and the amazing city of Tacoma, located in the west-central part of the state of Washington, understands this better than anyone else. While this region may enjoy an abundance of rainfall, there is always a need to prioritize water conservation to ensure there’s enough to go around for everyone and, moreover, for generations to come. Today, let’s talk about the proactive strategies deployed by Tacoma Public Utilities to ensure adequate water conservation in Tacoma.

The Importance of Water Conservation

Even with an enviable location by the Puget Sound and sitting on Commencement Bay, water availability isn’t infinite1. Urban growth and increased demand have increased dependence on freshwater sources like the Green River Watershed. Therefore, using water wisely is an integral part of preserving these critical resources and maintaining Tacoma’s quality of life.

Tacoma’s Commitment Towards Water Conservation

Tacoma Public Utilities has implemented several measures to increase awareness and promote water conservation. With a range of programs and initiatives like rebates, educational resources, and efficiency tips, Tacoma Public Utilities seeks to ensure the sustainable use and long-term availability of water2.

Programs and Initiatives

Tacoma Public Utilities offers multiple rebates and incentives to encourage conservation. One of the most popular programs is the Water-Smart Landscape Rebate, which encourages green-thumbed residents to create beautiful, water-efficient gardens. There is also the Toilet Replacement Program which gives rebates for replacing old, inefficient toilets with high-efficiency toilets that use less water per flush.

For educational resources, the utility has the Water Watchers program, an engaging curriculum that helps students understand the importance of water conservation. It encourages the youth to be good environmental stewards by learning to use water wisely.

Aside from the programs, Tacoma Water also integrates conservation into its work. They engage in regular leak detection and repair operations across the city’s water lines and encourage customers to report leaks at their residences.

Water Conservation Tips

Tacoma Public Utilities also offers several conservation tips on their website3. A few examples include:

  • Avoiding overwatering plants and lawns and watering early in the morning or late at night to minimize evaporation.
  • Regularly inspecting sprinkler systems to ensure they aren’t watering pavement and that there are no invisible leaks.
  • Installing water-efficient fixtures and appliances and fixing any household leaks immediately.
  • Only running your dishwasher and washing machine with full loads.
  • Taking shorter showers and turning off the faucet while brushing your teeth or shaving.

The Future of Water Conservation in Tacoma

Looking to the future, Tacoma Water continues to work and invest in infrastructure that enables conservation. They have also undertaken research to understand and quantify water efficiency efforts and to stay informed of the technological advances in water conservation.

In conclusion, Tacoma Water and the residents of this beautiful city recognize the value of their water resources and are making concerted efforts to ensure the sustainable use of this precious commodity. This commitment to water conservation is just another reason to be proud to call Tacoma home.


  1. Tacoma Water, “2018 Water Comprehensive Plan” https://tacomah2o.files.wordpress.com/2020/04/final_tacoma-water-2018-gws-thru-10-2-19.pdf
  2. Tacoma Water Rebate Program, https://www.mytpu.org/water/homes/rebate-programs/
  3. Tacoma Public Utilities, Water Conservation Tips, https://www.mytpu.org/water/homes/conserve-water/
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Tacoma Water Service Area

When we think about the things that matter the most to us in our day-to-day lives, water is probably not the first thing that comes to mind. It is so commonplace that we often take it for granted. Yet, without water, life as we know it would not exist. In the city of Tacoma, located in Washington State, Tacoma Water Service Area ensures that residents have access to clean, safe, and reliable water.

Understanding the Tacoma Water Service Area

Tacoma Water Service Area includes Tacoma, Port of Tacoma, and much of Pierce County, serving around 300,000 people[^1^]. The water service area covers approximately 117 square miles, spreading out to neighboring areas, including Fife, Lakewood, University Place, and Fircrest. The reliable water is provided to residential, commercial, and industrial customers alike, making it an integral part of the Tacoma community.

Within the Tacoma Water Service Area, the primary water supply is the Green River, which is a surface water source. It is a protected, forested watershed that provides high-quality, unfiltered water. The secondary water source is a ground water supply from numerous wells within the region.

Quality and Treatment of Water

Like many other cities, Tacoma has some old water pipes. However, Tacoma Water takes pride in its proactive approach towards ensuring the water quality. They routinely monitor for over 100 potential contaminants, which far exceeds the federal and state requirements[^2^].

Getting to our faucets, the water undergoes a multi-step treatment process. It includes disinfection to kill microbes and pathogens, pH adjustment to prevent pipe corrosion, and fluoridation to help fight tooth decay.

The Commitment towards Water Conservation

While providing reliable water services, Tacoma Water also emphasizes water conservation. They offer various programs and incentives aimed at reducing the water footprint of the city[^3^]. This includes rebate programs for installing water-efficient appliances, water-wise gardening workshops, and free water-saving kits.

Furthermore, Tacoma Water works with schools to educate students about the importance of water conservation. They offer tours of their facilities and implement science-based water education in school curriculums.

Customer Service and Infrastructure

Committed to customer service, the Tacoma Water Service Area maintains a 24/7 emergency line to address any immediate water-related issues. Furthermore, they offer various payment options, including online and mobile payments, for the convenience of their customers.

To keep the water flowing, Tacoma Water maintains and repairs over 1,200 miles of water mains, more than two dozen water storage tanks and reservoirs, and hundreds of pump stations. This extensive infrastructure allows them to deliver millions of gallons of water each day.

In conclusion, water may be an everyday commodity, but the work that goes into ensuring its quality and availability is nothing short of remarkable. Here in Tacoma, residents can trust in the Tacoma Water Service Area to provide clean, safe, and reliable water. So, the next time you turn on the tap, take a moment to appreciate the remarkable system that brings water into your home.

[^1^]: Tacoma Public Utilities, Tacoma Water, https://www.mytpu.org/water/overview-of-our-system.htm
[^2^]: Tacoma Public Utilities, Water Quality, https://www.mytpu.org/water/drinking-water-quality/
[^3^]: Tacoma Public Utilities, Water Conservation, https://www.mytpu.org/water/water-conservation/

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